
''Natasha is highly skilled in the area of adult Neuro-Rehab. She has excellent communication skills and uses a high level of experience in this area to deliver first rate client-focused Occupational Therapy. She is without a doubt a leading OT in this area and I would highly recommend her without hesitation.''

Rob Clarke. BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE. Therapy manager, London.



''Natasha is an excellent Occupational Therapist. Her dedication and attention to her clients' needs are exceptional. Natasha acted as the primary OT for my husband during his long recovery from a series of strokes in 2014. Her expertise and practical assistance was invaluable in aiding his recovery. Natasha involved the whole family to help us understand the changes we needed to implement to bring my husband home to a safe environment where he could continue his recovery. Natasha has a wonderful mix of firm and clear instruction and kind manner which allowed my husband to retain his dignity whilst working hard during a very difficult time. I would recommend Natasha to any patient or family in need of an OT.''

Client's wife, June.



"Natasha is an excellent OT. She helped me get from needing maximum assistance in showering and dressing to needing minimal assistance. After making sure that my carer and I could meet each day properly, she then helped me focus upon getting my hands to work better. This has always been important to me with my work in various arts and crafts. I suspect this will be even more important in my next phase of life, as a parent. Her patience with me was always helpful, and the repetition of our exercises allowed my fingers to become more flexible, and my left hand (which had been lacking feeling) to regain sensation. I am very grateful for her help and supprt."

Client, MC



"I first met Natasha when I was still in the relatively early stages of physical recovery after my accident- still sleeping 18 hours a day. It's a wonderful reflection of her talent and dedication that Natasha guided me through every aspect of getting me back to being me, or as close as that could possibly be, as well as helping me to deal with the things that would never be the same.

Nearly two years on, there are still things that Natasha and I worked on together that I do every day, for which I'm enormously grateful

As well as delivering tremendous results, Natasha's ways of working had a really positive effect on my experience. Every task was an interesting challenge and I looked forward to her visits to talk through my progress and to find out what would be coming next. To have that effect in someone in a situation like mine is very special- thank you."

Client, JH


Natasha Taper

Neuro Occupational Therapist

BOcc Ther, MResCP


If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact me.

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